Friday, September 7, 2012

Confessions of an Obsessive Compulsive

Cast on my head

Cast on my head

I thought I was mentally ill,
But I found out that was not true:
I just have a cast on my head.

I was looking to some distant day
When the cast would all be off
Thinking, “I’ll be well then.”

But I have discovered that a doctor
Isn’t going to get out his scissors
Or his sledge hammer
and I’d be free

What is happening is that day by day
I am pulling little strips off
Even though I try to find them and
glue them back on.

Last week a big chunk came off
And I felt a little lightheaded
That bare patch on my head felt
a trifle cold
(You could see my bright hair shining thru,
clean and soft)

With the Lord’s help, I am going to keep
peeling away at my cast
And in time it will look no different
Than the pretty Sunday hats ladies wear to church

Except that there will be flowers and
bright stars on mine
And theirs will be bare.

©copyright, Elaine C. Koontz, Sept. 2012

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